Клийнтех България, Фондация Reach for Change България, Български център за нестопанско право, Фондация BCause, Бизнес институт и Асоциация за развитие на София имат честта да Ви поканят да се включите в събитието „Бъдещето на социалните иновации в България“.

Cleantech Bulgaria, the Reach for Change Bulgaria Foundation, the Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law, the BCause Foundation, the Business Institute and Sofia Development Association are honored to invite you to participate in the event “The Future of Social Innovation in Bulgaria”, which will take place on 28.03.2023 in Preslav Hall (Hemus Hotel, 25 Cherni Vrah Blvd.) from 9:30 to 12:00.

The event will present the importance of the topic of social innovation, set as a priority in strategic documents at the European and national level. The key and strategic role of national competence centres in the field of social innovation will be highlighted, as one of the drivers of such innovation and a link that unites the ecosystem across countries and Europe. Representatives of the FUSE and SI PLUS consorcia will present results achieved in the last two years, focus on needs and trends in the social innovation ecosystem in Bulgaria, also activities and governance model of the future National Competence Centre for Social Innovation.

We would be glad to see you and discuss the future of social innovation in Bulgaria and Europe.

You can see the agenda of the event HERE.

Due to the limited number of places, you need to confirm your participation by 24.03.2023 (Friday) by registering at the following link: